Scale: HO
Era: Modern
Key Features:
- Single track main (312’) with passing sidings - built as a point-to-point; expanded to provide a looping feature - Dispatcher controls the main.
- 312’ Salina Subdivision double deck configuration in 15’ X 25’ main room. Plus 90’ helix for the Maryville subdivision
- 7 track staging yard at Kansas City and at Denver.
- 10 track classification yard at Junction
- Passing siding at Topeka, Junction, Abilene
- 5 additional passing sidings/ car or train storage yards.
- Expansion of 40’ X 5” shelf to 12’x5’ switching
- 36 industries including grain elevators, milling operation, manufacturing, ethanol plant, lumber yards, quarry, automotive, electrical, and other.
- Freight operations governed by car cards and waybills
- CVP Easy DCC - 7 T-5000 wireless throttles and 3 plug-in throttles
- Crew of 6 - Dispatcher, Yardmaster, 4 operators
- 95% complete
- Masonite and drywall with ScenicKing backdrops
- 3D materials include Cripple brush rubber rock, Kingmill building flats and Cornerstone structures, built as is and kit bashed.
Began construction: June 2010 Operating Sessions Started: January 2012 - suspended from 2016 to 2018 due to illness of owner
Owner: Doug Cormack
Pets: N/A
Accessibility: Basement layout with stairs to access
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